The most important event in my life — I was born…
My first education was technical, then I became a TV Director. I married the kindest man who has a very good sense of humor. I gave birth to a daughter and a talented artist appeared in the world.
In 35 years I easily closed the heavy door of St. Petersburg television company and happily opened another door, the door into the world of beads and beauty. There I met super-masters, and thanks to them I became an artist myself.
Then I became a traveler. One day I boarded a plane and 12 hours later I found myself at Niagara Falls. And now I have become a "babochka", as my granddaughter Olya calls me.
Which door will I open tomorrow? I do not know, but I am ready to accept everything that awaits me…
* A "babochka" is the child’s mispronunciation of the Russian word "babushka" - granny.